Krishna Salon & Spa are experts in laser hair removal. We offer the safest and most comprehensive hair removal treatment available today. Our service is specially designed for all skin tones and hair types.
Soprano ICE Platinum
THE POWER OF THREE: 3 combined technologies, optimal spectrum coverage
– Virtually painless laser hair removal
– All skin tones, including tanned skin
– Quick treatment
– Proven safety record
Soprano ICE Platinum is the most complete and effective multi platform solution for hair removal and lesions-for all skin tones and hair types. Serving unwanted bodily hair an eviction notice is not always a simple task. When you consider the wide variety of skin tones and hair types that exist along with other challenges such as long, painful treatments and unpredictable results, it’s easy to get discouraged. Whether you have light, dark or even tanned skin, coarse or fine hair, Soprano ICE Platinum achieves complete and effective hair and lesion removal that’s safe, quick and best of all – virtually painless.